Friday 8 January 2010

Spastic Mental Patient

So, it has been weeks since I have had what it takes to even write a proper email, much less anything creative or slightly 'professional', as this here blog. I have exactly 350 Euro to my name and approximately 55 000 Euro in debt from my six years of studying in the past fifteen years. My limbs are locked in constant tension from not having moved in about two years and I stopped my healthy food diet four weeks before completion. I am thinking that I might not ever write again. EVER. I just can't see myself ever having an idea, the right amount of motivational energy or creative flow again. Instead I have been resting in a fantasy about selling books in a large bookstore, one where I can fortunately disappear behind large shelves of thick travel books (or the tenth 350 page volume of Twilight) when a customer approaches.
Massive snowfall seems to follow me faithfully wherever I go.
I restent the cold.
So I hardly go outside.
This is why I got a wii, complete with a balance board and a game called wii fit.
Here is the product of two university educations. One in arts and one in writing. One therapy coaching education and several semester long courses in anything from chinese ink-painting to shamanic healing journeying.

A spastic mental patient dressed in a MJ T-shirt.

1 comment:

  1. Jag skrattade mig till sömns igår med denna bilden på näthinnan.
    Oroa dig inte den kreativa glöden kommer men det är lite farligt att fastna hemma...
    trisst att jobba efter julledigheten men det får en att känna sig ganska "normal" och aktiv även om det innebär att läsa bloggar nån annanstans än hemma.
    kram T
